16 research outputs found

    A Data-Oriented M2M Messaging Mechanism for Industrial IoT Applications

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    Antioxidant Deterioration in Active Composite Film during Storage

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    Pure polylactic acid is widely used for packaging, but it has limitation due to its oxygen barrier property. We investigated oxygen scavenging active packaging by incorporating synthetic antioxidant butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT) into matrix composite film (plasticized polylactic acid-natrium montmorillonite/NaMMT) using direct casting. The 2.2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) or antiradical activity was used to investigate oxygen scavenging of butylated hydroxytoluene in PLA active composite film during 15 storage days at 30oC. Oxygen permeability was calculated by using ASTM F3136-15 method. BHT oxidation rate of the active film composite film was 0.043 times per day. The BHT was estimated fully deteriorate after 108 storage days. The research revealed that the oxygen barrier property improved by 2.3 times compared to the passive polylactic composite film. BHT concentration between 5-10% was enough to significantly reduce oxygen permeability value. Oxygen permeability value and antiradical activity deterioration was significant correlated at 97 to 99 percents

    Low Budget Respirometer Chamber Design Based on Wireless Sensor Network

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    Fresh fruit respiration information is essential optimizing food storage systems. Meanwhile, respiration is defined as the process of oxygen production and carbon dioxide release during storage in a closed respiratory chamber. Therefore, this study aims to design a low-budget computerized respiratory chamber for enhancing fruit packaging and storage system. Real-time fruit respiration can be measured by applying wireless gas sensors network. The respirometer consisted of 3,600 mL glass jar with a screw stainless lid, while the electrochemical and non-dispersive infrared sensors were mounted on the cover of the glass jar for collecting data on the oxygen, carbon dioxide, and temperature during mangoes’ respiration. Arduino USB port was used to record all measured parameters consisting of oxygen (%) and carbon dioxide concentrations (ppm, as well as temperature in the respiration chamber. Additionally, a controlled cooling chamber was applied to maintain the temperature during storage, while data communication was supported by Xbee S2C based on radio frequency. According to the respirometer real-time reading, there was a decrease in oxygen concentration caused by increasing carbon dioxide release with temperature. The low-budget respirometer was used to measure the respiration rate and record the data through a wireless sensor network system. The data plot shows that the respiration rate increased as the storage temperature and the respiratory quotient ranged from 0.32-0.44

    Pembangunan Data Digital dan Sistem Informasi Pertanian Kangkung di Kelompok Tani Bunga Lestari, Lombok Barat

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    Era digital memberikan tatanan baru yang efektif dalam pembangunan sistem database. Keberadaan database akan memudahkan dan memberikan akurasi data dari objek yang digunakan sebagai entitas. Kegiatan pengabdian ini memiliki tujuan membangun basis data budidaya kangkung di kelompok tani Bunga Lestari, Dasan Tereng, Lingsar, Lombok Barat. Tahapan kegiatan meliputi pengambilan data spasial-atribut, pengolahan data, pelatihan pembuatan SIP kangkung dan evaluasi pelatihan. Hasil pelatihan ini telah berhasil untuk membuat data digital budidaya kangkung di desa Dasan Tereng dengan jumlah lahan kangkung 20 petak atau seluas 9,35 Ha. Data digital yang bisa diakses secara offline meliputi luasan lahan, biaya produksi dan kapasitas produksi. Anggota kelompok tani Bunga Lestari yang telah dilatih pemetaan telah mahir membuat SIP Kangkung secara mandiri dengan menggunakan software ArcGIS

    Perancangan Antena Yagi Gain Tinggi Pada Ground Control Station Wahana Udara Nirawak

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    The uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operation is currently dominated by autonomous technology (autopilot) rather than manual control via remote control. During flying the mission autonomously, communication between the UAV and the Ground Control Station (GCS) must be in good and stable conditions. The GCS can well receive the telemetry data and payload sensor data carried by the vehicle. Conversely, any inconsistency parameters can be corrected by the GCS before transmitted to the UAV. Therefore, the role of the antenna is crucial to avoid signal loss during the communication process. This study focuses on GCS’s antenna. By designing the Yagi type antenna with the optimization of the distance, the number of directors, material, and shape of the reflector through CST simulation. The best option chosen is the Yagi antenna with the same distance between directors, seven directors, copper material, and flat reflectors with a VSWR of 1.1134, return loss -25.411 dB and 10.7 dB of gain. The measurement result after fabrication is the VSWR of 2.165 and the return loss of -8.677 dB. The antenna test results, when the UAV was flown as far as 2.5 km, found that the signal strength received by the GCS is -70.68 dBm with RSSI 107, and the signal strength in percent is 96%.

    Pembangunan Data Digital dan Sistem Informasi Pertanian Kangkung di Kelompok Tani Embun Pagi, Lombok Barat

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    Digitalisasi data komoditas pertanian sangat penting pada era digital seperti saat ini. Kehilangan data setelah gempa Lombok 2018 terjadi pada kelompok tani budidaya kangkung Embun Pagi, desa Bug-Bug, Lingsar, Lombok Barat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini terlaksana dari tim pengabdian Universitas Mataram- perangkat desa Bug-Bug-Unit Pelaksana Tugas Daerah Dinas Pertanian Lombok Barat dan kelompok tani Embun Pagi. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah membuat basis data digital kangkung dan memberikan pelatihan untuk dalam pembuatan sistem informasi pertanian (SIP) kangkung Embun Pagi. Tahapan pelatihan meliputi pengambilan data spasial-atribut, pengolahan data, pelatihan pembuatan SIP kangkung dan evaluasi pelatihan. Hasil pelatihan ini telah berhasil untuk membuat data digital budidaya kangkung di desa Bug-Bug dengan jumlah lahan kangkung 26 petak atau seluas 4,76 Ha. Data digital yang bisa diakses secara offline meliputi luasan lahan, biaya produksi dan kapasitas produksi. Anggota kelompok tani Embun Pagi yang telah dilatih pemetaan telah mahir membuat SIP Kangkung secara mandiri dengan menggunakan software ArcGI

    Mangosteen Flesh Condition Detector Based on Microwave Non-destructive Technique Using Spiral Resonator Sensor’s

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    The mangosteen fruit has a characteristic thick skin, so it is difficult to know the condition of the flesh. Farmer can only know damage to the fruit flesh after the fruit skin had opened. Detection of the quality of the mangosteen flesh can be detected using a sensor capable of penetrating the thickness of the mangosteen rind. Flesh quality detection is carried out based on the S21 value (attenuation of mangosteen flesh value) using a portable device equipped with a sensor and capable of emitting microwaves. The S21 value of the fruit's flesh was measured using a spiral resonator that functioned as a sensor. The prototype device consists of an oscillator circuit, a power splitter, and a phase detector with 2507 MHz. Fruit flesh had divided into two conditions: damaged for fruit flesh with yellow sap or Translucent Flesh Disorder, and suitable condition for clean fruit flesh. The results showed that the fruit flesh had an average S21 value of 7.041 dB for damaged flesh and 6.007 dB for good flesh condition. The difference in the value of S21 had used as a reference for detecting the shape of the fruit flesh, with the detection threshold calculated by the Support Vector Machine, resulting in a threshold value of 6.712 dB

    Karakterisasi Buah Mangga Berdasarkan Nilai Dielektrik Menggunakan Teknik Double-Ring Resonator

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    Mango is one of the agricultural products in West Nusa Tenggara Province. The quality of post-harvest mangoes also needs to be known so that the quality produced can be maintained. Fruit quality in the tropics can be seen from the respiration rate, hardness, weight loss, total soluble content (TSC), discoloration and acid content. In addition, the quality of post-harvest mangoes can also be detected using sensors that emit microwaves with a certain value. This technique is non-destructive so it does not damage the object used. Double-ring resonators are used as sensors to detect the characteristics of mangoes. Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) is used as a tool to produce S11 and S21 skatering values, then the skatering values are processed into dielectric values. The test was carried out on the type of Gincong Gincu Mango which was divided into 4 categories, namely ripe mango on the tree, very ripe, thick and raw. Double ring resonator sensor can detect and distinguish the maturity level of mangoes based on the value of S21 in the frequency range of 0.39 to 0.49 GHz. In that frequency range, the average gain value of ripe on tree is -21.4 dB, over ripe is -22.8 dB, early ripe is -25.4 dB and unrip mango is -33.4 dB. While the characterization of mangoes using impedance values can be seen in the frequency range of 0.41 - 0.47 GHz. The average impedance value of ripe on tree is about 0.073, over ripe is about 0.067, early ripe is about 0.057 and unripe mangos is about 0.03

    Pendampingan Pembuatan Data Digital Manggis pada Kelompok Tani Bina Mandiri Dusun Nyiurbaye Gawah, Lombok Barat

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    A digital database of agricultural commodities is indispensable in the 4.0 and social revolution eras of 5.0. The creation of a mangosteen agricultural information system at the Bina Mandiri farmer group is vital to support the sustainability of farming activities in preparation for future export administration. This dissemination was carried out in collaboration with members of the Bina Mandiri farmer group, Nyiurbaye Gawah hamlet, Batu Mekar village, West Lombok district. The purpose of this activity is assistance in digitizing mangosteen trees in making digital maps of mangosteen distribution in the Bina Mandiri farmer group. The implementation of this activity includes: socializing the importance of digital data, collecting primary data and creating a mangosteen agriculture information system that can be connected to a WebGIS page. The result of this activity is the transfer of knowledge and technology of mangosteen mapping to the Bina Mandiri farmer group. In addition, the Bina Mandiri farmer group has digital data related to land and mangosteen trees so that it can be useful for sustainable management and utilization of the remaining space on land for planting mangosteen trees and knowledge of spacing errors that have occurred in the practice of planting mangosteen.A digital database of agricultural commodities is indispensable in the 4.0 and social revolution eras of 5.0. The creation of a mangosteen agricultural information system at the Bina Mandiri farmer group is vital to support the sustainability of farming activities in preparation for future export administration. This dissemination was carried out in collaboration with members of the Bina Mandiri farmer group, Nyiurbaye Gawah hamlet, Batu Mekar village, West Lombok district. The purpose of this activity is assistance in digitizing mangosteen trees in making digital maps of mangosteen distribution in the Bina Mandiri farmer group. The implementation of this activity includes: socializing the importance of digital data, collecting primary data and creating a mangosteen agriculture information system that can be connected to a WebGIS page. The result of this activity is the transfer of knowledge and technology of mangosteen mapping to the Bina Mandiri farmer group. In addition, the Bina Mandiri farmer group has digital data related to land and mangosteen trees so that it can be useful for sustainable management and utilization of the remaining space on land for planting mangosteen trees and knowledge of spacing errors that have occurred in the practice of planting mangosteen